3 Tips to Guarantee 2025 Is Your Most Productive Year Yet
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2025 is going to be YOUR year - I can feel it! But - you have to plan ahead and take control. Don’t let the New Year sneak up on you. Now is the time to start thinking ahead and really laying the groundwork for all the amazing things to come in 2025.
In today’s blog installment, we’re sharing 3 top tips to help you ensure that 2025 is your most productive year yet. And if you haven’t started your plans for the New Year yet, consider this your first step - and it’s a good one! So read on, and be sure to let us know what key steps you’ll be taking to make 2025 the best year yet!
Have a plan!
The absolute best way to ensure 2025 is your year is by outlining your goals and mapping it all out! Studies consistently show that people who are clear about their goals and adhere to a plan detailing specific actionable steps are significantly more likely to achieve those goals.
Establishing a plan isn’t about boxing yourself into fixed goals and unchanging plans: it’s about giving yourself a blueprint to reference and keep yourself accountable. That plan can always be modified or added to, but it’s something tangible that you can keep with you and use to stay on track as you pursue your goals.
A good plan, whether it’s professional or personal - will not only identify clear goals and actionable steps, but it will also include deadlines, which will help you stay accountable for your productivity and progress.
Every step towards achieving your goals is worth celebrating—no matter how small! Monitor your progress and acknowledge every milestone, small victory, and hurdle you overcome. The journey is where the lessons are learned, and every bit of the experience holds tremendous value in your life—not only in the present but as stored wisdom for the future.
Establish a trusted support system and network
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Have you ever heard the saying that goes, “It takes a village”? Believe me when I tell you - this is the truth! All great individual success stories have included countless supporting roles along the way, from mentors to collaborators and everyone in between. As soon as you realize the value in collaboration, support and a strong network of like minded individuals, you’ll wonder why you ever tried to “do it all” on your own in the first place.
Many people have a clear vision of how they’d like their lives to look and what goals they would love to achieve, but they feel stuck and limited where they are. Whether it’s time, resources, or money, there always seems to be some major roadblock that deters people from taking that first step.
This is where understanding the value in reaching out and seeking help is crucial. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that you need some help getting started. Everyone who has ever accomplished their goals has begun with that first step, whatever it may be.
Whatever it is that’s been holding you back, find that first step towards resolving it and go for it! For example, if there are aspects of your goals that require specific skills or knowledge (whether it’s financial accounting, legal details, etc.) - find out who the experts are in that department and ask! You never know until you ask. We often think that the answer to our questions or requests will be “no” - but you can’t draw that conclusion until you ask.
Don’t let those negative internal thoughts of being uninformed or underqualified stop you from reaching your goals.
And you should never feel embarrassed about seeking help. Collaboration and community are what keep us going and growing - no matter what business you’re in, and there is no question you can think of that hasn’t already been asked (and answered!) before.
When it comes to establishing a solid support network, start by looking for like-minded individuals. You want to surround yourself with people who you feel comfortable with, can build trust with, and who are “natural cheerleaders.” While some people do feel motivated by competition, that feeling of pressure can get a bit exhausting. A healthy and sustainable network will be one that makes you feel inspired, challenged constructively, seen and heard - and safe. The people you keep in your inner circle must be ones you can be honest with, sharing your highs and well as your lows.
Whether your network is a large collective of individuals or just one trusted person at the start, the value here is in the quality of the relationship - not the quantity of people who comprise it.
Take daily inventory
Along the way to achieving your goals, some days will bring more progress and others will present more challenges - but it’s all a part of the journey. And it’s all valuable! In fact, it’s the challenging days will provide you with the most lessons.
Get into the habit of taking daily inventory. Examine your goals list and consider your progress. Reflect on how you feel about your journey thus far and where you could seek improvement.
Keep in mind, no matter where you are on your journey, there is always room to adjust and re-work your plan and strategies.
Some examples of questions to ask yourself when taking daily inventory include:
Am I using my time wisely? What possible time-wasting habits could I be managing more effectively (or eliminating completely)?
Have I been learning new things? I.e. seeking and taking advantage of growth opportunities (e.g training seminars, mentorship, skill-building course, etc.)
What are some recent successes I’ve had that I can celebrate?
What are some recent roadblocks I’ve encountered? Am I happy with how I navigated them? What lessons did I learn from the experience? What could I do to manage these situations more effectively next time?
How do I feel about the next steps I plan to take?
What is my ultimate motivation - what is my “WHY”?
Studies show that individuals who actively track their progress and make the time for personal inventory and reflection each day, are significantly more likely to maintain daily momentum and actualize their goals.
It’s absolutely critical that when you take inventory each day, you finish your thoughts on a positive and motivational note. Ultimately, the pursuit of your goals, while challenging, should be a fulfilling and purpose-driven journey.
After all, you are chasing your dreams! You are making it happen! Every day is a step towards the life you have envisioned for yourself, and that is an exciting prospect!