Finding Your Voice and Speaking with Confidence

In today’s world, between the countless media platforms we are exposed to and day-to-day interactions, it seems as though we are constantly being bombarded by messaging. 

Some messages aim to sell us products or services, others to take notice of brands and campaigns, messages to raise awareness for important causes - and some just for the sake of being heard. 

There is no end to the messaging we are exposed to each day, and while most of us have become fairly skilled at absorbing and filtering these messages as receivers, many of us still struggle to find our voices and platforms of expression. And what’s more, once we do have a message we want to share, we lack the confidence to deliver that message effectively. Because let’s be honest: what good is a great message without the ability to have it resonate with your intended audience? 

We're bringing tips and proven strategies from top sources to help you find your voice and deliver your message with confidence in any scenario. So read on and be sure to let us know how these strategies worked for YOU!  

Know your message inside and out 

It’s very hard to speak confidently about something you aren’t familiar with, so become an expert in your topic and tap into the confidence that comes with knowing your subject matter inside and out. 

Becoming an expert in your topic, regardless of what that is, can include:

  • Doing your research 

  • Know the basics, and then dig a little deeper for a more thorough understanding 

  • Stay in the know on current news and updates relating to your topic 

  • Every subject has different viewpoints, be open-minded enough to explore alternative viewpoints and at a base level, understand the different opinions on the topic 

  • Speak with an expert. If you are a novice to the subject, pick the brain of an expert and get a first-hand take - in this way, their experience gives you added credibility in the information you take forward 

Confidence is key in every scenario 

It’s all about confidence. Your body language, pace of speech, pitch of voice - how you present yourself and deliver your message will determine whether or not your message is received as intended. More than just received, you want your message to resonate with people. You want your audience to walk away with something to think about. 

Confidence comes down to believing in yourself and believing in your ability to accomplish the task at hand - in this case, finding your voice and delivering your message. You need to believe in yourself. After all, what you have to say has value and is worth sharing. Your message, whatever it may be, has merit, and if it’s important enough to you that you feel compelled to share it, you owe it to yourself to deliver it as well as you can. 

Passionate delivery implies confidence, so get excited about what it is you have to say and exude that natural enthusiasm that your audience will no doubt find contagious. 


The gamechanger to delivering your message with confidence every single time 

The secret to delivering your message confidently every single time? 

Project - your - voice! 

This is the key and the gamechanger that will make the most impact in delivering your message with confidence and conviction. 

Speak up, speak clearly and speak at a pace that toggles the line between composed and energetic. You don’t want to speak so quickly and excitedly that your audience can’t keep up. On the flipside, you don’t want to hyper-focus on annunciation and speaking clearly to the point where you lose the interest of your audience. Like everything, it’s all about balance. Finding that balance between projecting your voice clearly and passionately. 

While a passionate delivery can sometimes result in too speedy a pace, you still want to maintain an energetic momentum - so again, it’s finding that balance. 

Referenced in an article from the Harvard Business Review, a research study reveals people form their opinions on a leader's ability in under a minute. So touching again on the concept of balance, it comes down to fine-tuning not just what you say but also how you say it

Here are some things to keep in mind when working on your voice projection: 

  • Take deep breaths: clear speech utilizes a lot of air, so it’s important to take deep breaths from your diaphragm

  • Enunciate your words: don’t roll over your words or rush your sentences, as this can make your message challenging for the listener to follow and also dilutes the potency of what you’re saying. Speaking with conviction means speaking clearly, with intention and powerful momentum. 

  • Consider some professional vocal training: if your presentation or message is important on a professional level, you may want the feedback of someone who is an expert in the field and can help prepare you with  

So consider your physical presentation as much as your message itself. How is your posture? Are you standing with an “open” presence - free and clear of any barriers between yourself and your audience? Are you standing tall, shoulders back and back straight? Are you locking eyes with your listeners? Are you speaking clearly, audibly, and in your natural voice?  

As you perfect your delivery style, this mental checklist will become automatic and it won’t feel as overwhelming to try to consider and factor in all these items in the moment. 


Practice makes perfect 

Every moment of interaction is an opportunity to practice your communication and delivery skills. No opportunity is too small to use as a chance to work on this vital skill set.  Whether or not you have a message to share, finding your voice and perfecting your skills in delivery will mean you are prepared in the future when the need arises and the spotlight is on you. 

Tips to make you appear confident - even if you’re faking it!

  • Eye contact is key: this is step one in establishing trust with your audience.

  • Maintain open posture: ensuring there are no physical barriers between yourself and your listeners will create an open line of communication. Removing and being considerate of physical barriers; things like tables, mic stands, a laptop, and even your arms being crossed, allows your audience to feel you are accessible and “open”, making it easier to establish a connection.

  • Eliminate unnecessary words: delivering your message effectively means giving your audience the courtesy of trimming the fat and showing them you value their time by bringing them interesting and concise information. Eliminate the fluff and be mindful of filler words like “ah”, “um”, and “like” - these do nothing for your message delivery except make you sound less credible and confident.

  • Don’t rush to the finish line: pause for emphasis where appropriate as you deliver your message. Confident delivery isn’t just about making your point without stumbling on words - it’s about exuding enough conviction in your presentation to be able to pause at just the right moments to allow your audience to really absorb and file away the most potent bits.

Finding your voice and delivering a message confidently comes down to feeling impassioned enough about what you have to say that you’re willing to do the work to perfect your skill set. Everyone has something to say, but not everyone knows how to share their message. Your voice matters and in any occasion where you’re speaking your mind, you owe it to yourself to present yourself as the intelligent, thoughtful and passionate person that you are! 

Don’t shortchange yourself in any scenario. Every opportunity to lend your unique voice in a considerate and intelligent way is worth contributing to. 

The world is always speaking so tap into that inner confidence and make sure you’re part of the conversation!


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