Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Female Entrepreneur
Imposter syndrome can affect anyone—regardless of age, gender or background. However, these feelings of self-doubt can often hit a little harder for young female entrepreneurs, as they may feel they are less qualified or have more to prove than their male counterparts. Female entrepreneurs may lose out on vital business deals or opportunities to advance their careers if they are unable to overcome or cope with hurdles like imposter syndrome. Read on as we guide you through some key strategies to overcoming imposter syndrome as a female entrepreneur.
Acknowledge and refrain from negative thoughts
Before you can take actionable steps toward relieving these feelings of imposter syndrome you need to first acknowledge those limiting thoughts.
Shifting your perspective away from negative thinking and towards the positive begins with reframing your thoughts. Make an effort to consciously address these limiting thoughts as they come, taking pause to reframe them with positivity. Instead of thinking of yourself as a fraud, reposition your thought process and focus on all the areas that you excel in. By focusing on your strengths in place of your perceived weaknesses, you mentally empower yourself and steer your thoughts toward the positive. With consistent practice in reframing your thoughts, you will be able to retrain your thinking patterns.
Celebrate the wins - even the small ones
As you build your brand, you’re going to experience many ups and downs along the way. There will be high points and low points, and no doubt it will feel like more failures than successes in your early days in business.
The key is to maintain momentum and personal morale as you forge ahead through every challenge and barrier you encounter. This is why it’s so important to focus on the positive and make a point to celebrate the “wins” - even the small ones! When it comes to your journey as an entrepreneur, you will come up against many situations that test your resolve and threaten your self-confidence - unpleasant as it may be, that’s just the nature of business.
Build a support network
Having a supportive network of family, friends and like-minded peers is an important part of navigating the entrepreneurial journey. While we may not all be so fortunate as to have an extensive and fully-formed support system, it is imperative to try to have some kind of support network in place if possible - even if it’s just a select few individuals that offer a safe and encouraging space to share, vent and workshop.
The idea that we can all “do it” - and moreover, do it all alone, is one that’s been particularly ingrained into the female psyche for longer than anyone could track. As women, we tend to feel the need to be all things at all times to everyone we feel obliged to nurture and support. Unfortunately, this tendency often results in women putting their own individual wants and needs at the bottom of the list.
Having a supportive network in place, no matter how big or small that network may be, is less about having an “accountability audience” as you work towards your goals, and more about having a safe and familiar zone to fall back on to keep you feeling encouraged and grounded. And while becoming your own biggest cheerleader is a key factor in overcoming imposter syndrome, it’s only natural - and should be expected - that you’re going to struggle with bolstering your own sense of confidence as you tackle every new obstacle that comes your way.
Keep in mind: no one’s success journey was ever charted in a straight line and along a paved road. Everyone has encountered roadblocks and challenges as they’ve pursued their goals, and more than that, everyone has, at some point or another, relied on the support and guidance of someone they trust and respect. You cannot - and should not aim to - do it all alone. You are the captain of your ship, but it never hurts to have a crew as you set sail.
Be authentic
Being authentic is all about maintaining a sense of who you are as you transform into the best version of yourself. You see, growth should be transformative - but not in so much as you lose sight of who you are and the core values and intentions you set out for yourself to begin with. Staying grounded and secure in the unique and capable person you already are will be like an anchor of self that you hold to as you set off in new directions and pursue your ultimate vision.
Give up the goal of perfection
Being authentic leads us into our next key factor for overcoming imposter syndrome: give up the goal of perfection. There is no rabbit hole deeper than the one that has us chasing perfection.
It’s just not possible to be “perfect” - so make peace with that, and instead see the beauty in all life’s blemishes and “imperfections” - because that’s what sets your story apart. That’s what’s going to set YOU apart. Embrace it and stop wasting time trying to be a version of yourself that is both unrealistic and inauthentic. It’s exhausting, deflating and pointless.
Take care of yourself
In 2024, you might be a little sick of hearing the term “self-care”. After all, it might sound like a great concept - but who really has the time (or spare funds) for weekly spa days, right?
But let’s take a deeper look at what the concept of self-care should mean for you as a female entrepreneur grappling with imposter syndrome.
Self-care for YOU should mean:
Taking daily inventory of your state of mind. It only takes a minute, but don’t forget to check-in with yourself. How was the day? What were the highs/lows? How are you feeling? Would you benefit from connecting with someone and sharing today - or are you feeling more personally reflective? And most importantly - what “wins” can you celebrate today? Even if it’s just managing to enjoy a dinner at home with the family, or checking off a few key items on your to-do list - there is always something to celebrate. Ending on a high note will reinforce your sense of personal pride and keep that positive momentum going.
Have things to look forward to. Okay, so maybe a trip abroad isn’t possible right now - but how about planning a movie date with a friend/significant other for the coming weekend as a treat to cap off the work week? Or a coffee date someplace you haven’t been before, just to mix up the scenery in an easy way. Putting things into your calendar, no matter how small or simple the plans, ensure you are consciously blocking out time for yourself in a space that is apart from work and other life obligations. This not only provides you with some fun things to look forward to, but it also helps you maintain a grip on who you are, what makes you tick and that sense of “play” that is so important to hold onto.
Avoiding burnout. Self-care doesn’t need to mean luxury indulgences that you may not have the time for or be able to afford - it can be as simple as knowing when you need to step back and hit pause - and giving yourself permission to do that. A few moments to catch your breath and hit reset qualifies as self-care - so don’t get stuck on the particulars, make the concept of self-care a personalized one, tailored to fit your needs, time and budget, and go from there!
Never stop developing your skills
Success is based on the willingness to embrace continuous growth. The only ceiling for success is the one you set for yourself - so break through the notion of perceived barriers and realize that the sky really is the limit for you.
Continuous growth is all about supporting your own entrepreneurial journey with supplementary tools, educational resources and a variety of other avenues toward trade and personal development.
What growth looks like is different for everyone. It will depend on factors like your industry, your existing skill set, and your goals. Unique to everyone in the particulars, but with the same common denominator across the board; and that is that continuous growth and development is a must for everyone. Never stop learning and never lose that innate sense of curiosity. Staying curious will keep you hungry for knowledge and being open to learning - and in some cases, re-learning - what you don’t know or what you’d like to expand on - will serve you more than anything else along the way as an entrepreneur.
Believe in your skillset and unique value
Finally, a key strategy that seems common-sense enough but is one that most of us will struggle with at some point along the way: believing in yourself.
The road to greatness is a bumpy one, and it will test you and your resolve in countless ways. The obstacles may be unpleasant in the moment, but this is where the magic happens. This is where you learn and grow and atop which you build your foundation of experience. The battle wounds serve a purpose: they are there to remind you that in the most difficult of times, you held on and never gave up. As you rise up to meet these bumps in the road on your journey as an entrepreneur, have the confidence of self to know that you are capable and worthy of meeting every challenge with positive results.
You have everything you need to succeed within you if you have your “why” and the conviction to know that all the work you are putting in now will pay off in the end. You’ve got this - and no one else can do it like you!